Freitag, 18. September 2015

Japan 2015: Day 1

So I'm back in rainy Germany and with me, fall has arrived. It has gotten soooo cold!! Can't believe I wore summer dresses in Japan just a week ago...
But let's start from the beginning. My flight with All Nippon Airways was very pleasant, I was able to get a window seat and got some sleep during the 11-hours-flight. Next to me sat a boy and a girl from Germany at it was there first visit in Japan and they asked a lot about everything. It was very nice to chat with them. The food was good (as good as economy-on-board-food can be...) and we even got icecream! They constantly came around with green tea, sake, black tea, water etc. but I tried to sleep after I watched Inside Out (loooooved it!! It's not even out in Germany!!)
The landing was very soft and I was glad I arrived safely in Japan! I changed my Rail Pass voucher for the real deal and took the next NEX to Tokyo. It rained a lot this day but after arriving at the hotel (and telling everyone at home that I'm still alive), I quickly took a shower and changed and headed towards Closet Child Ikebukuro und Sunshine City.
I immediately bought two bags and a choker at Closet Child. I'm under pressure in Second Hand shops. It may be gone the next day, so....just throw it in the bag! In Sunshine City, I ate a super delicious crêpe with strawberries, custard, cream and chocolate sauce *v* I strolled through Studio ALTA and bought a card case for my Suica but nothing more. The stuff I tried on, didn't fit and it was just the first day after all.
I bought some Yakisoba at Family Mart and then headed to the hotel. I was very tired and slept quite early.

Feels like late night but it was like....7 P.M.

My first crêpe! Yummyyyy~

That's just so crazy and cute!!

They just got the Disney Halloween Merchandise! Dracula Mickey Tsum ♥_♥

Pokémon Center Sunshine City with so much Pikachu ♥

2 Kommentare:

  1. Und wie war es so, dass du alleine unterwegs warst? Wie oft warst du davor schon in Japan? Ich überlege meinen nächsten Trip dort hin (wann auch immer der ist) alleine zu machen ^^

    1. Ich fands überhaupt nicht schlimm! Ich war davor zwei Mal in Japan und ich spreche auch kein Japanisch. Es war schön sich die Zeit einteilen zu können, wie ich wollte und war ja auch an einigen Tagen verabredet ^^
