Dienstag, 22. April 2014

52 weeks (17) - Best places to wear Lolita

Hope you are all relaxed from your long easter-holidays-weekend. On Saturday we had a meetup in Düsseldorf and as soon as I get the pics, I will post about it. (that reminds me of......Enchanted. I haven't posted about this yet, too D: ) But first of all, another 52 weeks theme post:
Best places to wear Lolita
Every place is the best place to wear Lolita except for.. bed or bath maybe ;D Conventions are always a good reason to wear Lolita because no one will ask you why you are dressed like that :D
But for this theme I will write down my favourite backgrounds for Lolita pictures :)
Our local community is always hunting for new locations for Lolita meetups photoshoots. I prefer pretty backgrounds, matching to the outfit/ the outward appearance. I'm no fan of contrasting backgrounds. Example: Sweet Lolita in an old, dirty factory or something like this.

(1) Gardens, flower beds (nature in general)

This picture is from last year's Royal Pony meetup. It was a beautiful day and we visited Benrath Castle which has a wide garden with many flowers. I love floral prints for my dresses, so it's very fitting for most of my outfits :D

(2) Castles 

(This photo is from 2011 and not very good but it shows the pretty pink Benrath castle)

Unfortunately, most of the time, taking photos is forbidden in the rooms but the architecture of the castle can be a very pretty background, too.

(3) Fountains

(photo by B1nh Photography)
Fountains give a certain dynamic to the picture, it's not so stiff like a house or something. I have several pictures with fountains, I really like them ^_^

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