So what to do on a rainy day? Visit the owl cafe and the planetarium in Sunshine City! I made an appointment the evening before (you need to reserve a time frame at Ikefukuro) and everything worked very well. I took two pairs of shoes with me. The new ones I bought a day earlier from Axes Femme and some shoes from home. Both were soaking wet when I arrived at the cafe and the rest of me, too. Umbrellas were quite useless because the rain came from all sides.
But when I entered the cafe (cafe is the wrong word, it's just a room with owls), everything was forgotten. OH MY GOD! It was a very small room and all kinds of owls were lined up around the walls and the middle of the room. Of course it's not good for the animals. They aren't able to fly and have to sit around all day long. I felt very sorry for them but I tried to ignore it and just enjoy the cuteness of the birds.
They gave a short security instruction (for me in English in written form) and then you were able to pet the owls and take pictures. They were so soft and nice and beautiful *v*
After an hour, I had to leave again and headed towards Sunshine City for the planetarium but bad luck. It was CLOSED. dunnn dunnn duuuuunnnn
So I looked around Sunshine City shopping area and bought new shoes because like I said before, mine were soaking! They were super cheap on sale and had platform soles - perfect! I also bought a pretty maxi skirt in a cute little mori-like shop.
Then, I ate super delicious ramen and some icecream. Because some trains already stopped running, I decided to go back to the hotel. A friend of mine, who is working in Japan, asked me out for a drink, so we met up in a small little rock bar in Ikebukuro. I drank delicious cocktails and we talked a lot and catched up a bit.
All my days were packed with acitivties except for this one. I felt like wasting time but I didn't know what to do during the rain. But still, it was a nice day, just not so exciting like other ones, maybe.

The super delicious ramen

They sold them in Ikebukuro Station but I missed to buy one ;_;